
Farah is a filmmaker from Bosnia and Herzegovina working in animated documentary. Starting from their own experience growing up in post-war Sarajevo, Farah’s films explore the unique emotional space of social and economic transition, exploring audiovisual approaches to untangling from trauma, isolation and uncertainty.

Farah draws on a strong connection to their childhood to create whimsical personal films that question the borders of private and civic identity. Farah's films have screened in competition at Visions du Reel, Ji.hlava, Doclisboa, Zagrebdox, Sarajevo Film Festival and Dokufest. Their film FIRST BIRTHDAY was a qualifier for the 2021 Academy Awards.

Farah is an alumni of Bela Tarr’s film.factory, where they were mentored by renowned authors including Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Tsai Min Liang and Pedro Costa. They hold a joint masters degree in Documentary Filmmaking from DOC NOMADS and are an Erasmus Mundus merit scholar as well as a Berlinale Talents Sarajevo campus alumni. In Farah was a 2023 finalist for ZVONO, the most significant award for young Bosnian Herzegovinian visual artists. Farah is one of the 2024 Programmers of the Future at the EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam.